2012 Michael Mondavi Family Emblem Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley
“A big, smiling, ripe, and easygoing wine.”
“A big, smiling, ripe, and easygoing wine.”
The best Napa and Sonoma Sauvignon Blancs are sunny but not unserious, with crisp green citrus notes and a freshness that lets them sing with food.
Winter’s best red wines wrap their fruit around an earthy core, binding them to the seasonings and simmered savoriness in winter’s comfort foods.
Twomey’s 2012 Pinot Noirs are brilliant and delicious, serious and elegant, all at once.
Hourglass Estate’s wines are complex and beautifully articulated; some leave you with a surprise that you might love.
Wine Number Six is not really one wine, it’s two.
Polished yet food-friendly Pinot Noir and Chardonnay from Carneros.
Davis Bynum’s Jane’s Vineyard Pinot Noirs are blithe and luminous—and offer a delicious lesson in the effect of clonal selection.
Substantial white wines do belong on the winter table.
Wines of the Week, a study in acid: From Ridge, Wente, Matua, and Erath wineries
A weekly roundup of wines worth sharing—from Santa Lucia Highlands, Arroyo Seco, Sonoma Coast, Russian River, and Napa Valley
A weekly roundup of wines worth sharing—from Montalcino, Chianti Rùfina, Carneros, Lodi, and Livermore Valley