Easy Tilapia

We like tilapia for its mild flavor, meaty texture, and relatively low price. It's also, as a farmed product, a reasonably sustainable choice (although…



I'm sure there are many women tonight enjoying a glamorous evening, arms cool against a glossy bar, stiletto heels hooked under the rail, while…

Slow Food Nation… And My Nation

Slow Food Nation just wrapped. Held in San Franscisco this past week, the event was designed to "celebrate the birth of a broad and…

One Fish, Two Fish

A couple of high school students have just demonstrated that we may not be getting the fish we think. Using genetic fingerprinting, they showed…

UVFood dot com

How is it possible that we'd never heard of uvfood.com until today? This site, written by friend-of-a-friend John Romkey, offers a compendium of food-inspired…

Blackberry Lime Buttermilk Biscuits

This morning for breakfast we enjoyed a little celebration of August in New England. I had about a cup of blackberries from our backyard…

A Three Ingredient Meal (more or less)

There's a meme about three-ingredient meals. Google it, you'll see. Tonight, I made my own. Not on purpose, just because that's what was there,…

Maker’s Table… Wine

When we launched this food journal in February 2008, we had no idea an Australian wine maker, Saltram of Barossa Valley, offered a family…

Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances

Okay, I admit it: we were completely insane. We bought two stainless steel appliances in our recent kitchen remodel, a dishwasher and an exhaust…

Really Good Turkey Burgers

The quick take-awayCook turkey burgers to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. (See the FDA website for details.) Read my recipes for quick,…