An Elegant, Polished Beaujolais


Georges DuBoeuf
Moulin-à-Vent "Prestige"

When poured, the wine is milky and brickish red. Floral and very feminine, it offers a nose of blackberries, lavender, and cassis, with lightly herbal overtones of basil and fresh strawberries. Silky and languid across the tongue, its acidity nicely balances its dark fruit. Complex, beguiling, and serious. More than we expected, but just what we wanted.

Price: $16
Drinks like: $20 (or so; it's good)
Bang for the buck: 125%

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2 replies on “An Elegant, Polished Beaujolais”
  1. says: 1WineDude

    I’m a HUGE fan of that area, and Fleurie and Morgon. Some of those suckers can age, too. Give a M-a-V about 5 years, it can get some funky depth going on.
    It’s surprising these wines don’t get more focus in general.

  2. Hi Joe,
    Yes, this wine struck me as an incredible bargain. I was surprised to see an ’03 on the shelves, but my excellent merchant (coming soon to a Palate Press article near you) assured me it was brilliant. He was right.

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