Becky and Tom Loftus manage a herd of sixty Jersey cows at Blythedale Farm in Corinth, Vermont, transforming the milk into five different farmstead cheeses. Their Brie-style wheel is made from whole milk and vegetable rennet, hand-ladled into molds. The result is tender and delicate, with a natural rind redolent of fresh mushrooms and forest floor, and a paste that’s milky with a pleasant, springy chew. The finish blooms with the richness of Jersey milk and finishes with a savory sense of roasted hazelnuts and butter. As it ages, it becomes softer, more pliant, and earthier. Serve it with fresh fruits, nuts, and country bread, or bake it wrapped in pastry, then drizzle it with chestnut honey, for dessert.
Blythedale Farm Vermont Brie
About $8 for a 7-oz. wheel