A Bagatelle


Acacia Vineyard 
Current price: about $12

A sweet little wine, juicy and vibrant. Bright pink-purple, with a nose like the wild roses that grow in the scrub by my stone wall: spicy, herbal, floral, but somewhat demure, too. Clean, simple, and somewhat soft on my tongue. This blend speaks with a Pinot accent, though it might be an affectation. Still, it's charming. And for twelve bucks, I'm won't argue in any language.


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6 replies on “A Bagatelle”
  1. says: Megan

    I have seen this wine a few times in various stores, but never tried it. Another wonderful selection to add to my list, which is getting longer and longer by the day thanks to you!

  2. Megan, I’ve received offline comments from many that the full line of Acacia wines is excellent. This one, a blend, is quite a deal—Pinot nuance without nuanced-Pinot pricing.

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